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Plays Produced in the Provincetown Playhouse by 

The Players Company




SEASON 1922-1923

Produced by Alice Kauser

Opened November 11, 1922
Crowns by John Luther Long
Directed by Benjamin Kauser
Cast included Margaret Mower, Benjamin Kauser, Carl Glick, Victor Hammond, Herbert Ashton, Jr., R. L. Patterson, Roland Twombly, James Meighan, Frederick Miller, Lester Schaefer, Frank Dawson, Mark Donnelly, Felicia Drewniak, Josephine Hutchinson, and Albert Gran.

December 20, 1922-February 1, 1923
(then transfers to the Greenwich Village Theatre)

The Gods of Vengeance by Sholom Asch
(with English Translation by Dr. Issac Goldberg)
Directed by Rudolph Schildkraut
Cast included Irwin J. Adler, Mae Berland, Morris Carnovsky, Esther Stockton, Virginia MacFadyn, Lou Sorin, Dorothea Nolan, Lillian Taiz, James Meighan, Sam Jaffe, and Schildkraut as Yekel

March 26, 1923-April 14, 1923
Sandro Botticelli by Mercedes de Acosta
Cast included Helenka Adamowska, Denis Auburn, Arthur Bowyer, and Elsa Braun

April 25, 1923-May 1, 1923
Sylvia by Leighton Osmun
Cast included Elliott Cabot, Julia Cobb, Norman Cope, and Catherine Cozzens

May 25, 1923-June 1, 1923
Sun Up by Lula Vollmer
Benjamin Kauser and Henry Stillman, directors
Cast included Burnside Babcock, France Bendtsen, Alan Birmingham, and Elliott Cabot